Friday, June 21, 2002


By: Dalyn K. Roney

This is a song I wrote. It was one of the first of many that I wrote that summer. This was about a week after I met my husband.

I never fully understood
God's word
Until I searched for myself
What it means.
Now that I'm beginning
To see the light
It casts off the shadows
Of many things.

How could I have been
So foolish as to
Walk the wrong way?
I thought that I could
Do it all my own.
I am tired and weary
From the struggles of
Day to day,
So I'm going to repent
And share what I know.

I know that it's (He's) real
Because of the way I feel inside.
(He's) God's touched my life
And I am here
To testify of Christ!

This is my gift to you.
My testimony of what is true.
That He hears your prayers
And He can heal
Every scar you bare.

And He's here for me
And you.