Saturday, July 2, 2011

InConJunction 2011 Costuming & Prosthetics

InConJunction 2011
Costuming & Prosthetics

Helpful information for making your own prosthetics for costuming and conventions! How to blog post:

Other resources available throughout the world wide web:

Qob's Kling Things
Qob's Etsy store for foreheads

qIdar, the costuming Goddess
When money is not an option, you can't top her quality

The DreamStitcher
A master costumer is starting to make very nice Klingon uniforms again this is an EMAIL address not a link

Graftobian Makeup
No local makeup store? These are suppliers of quality products

No local source for wigs? try here

Phantom Cat Supply Closet
quality supplier of patches banners, shirts, etc.

JP's supply hut
The very best in Rank pins, Belt buckles and special order metal work.

The Mad Klingon
ebay site for a good supplier of resin pins

New Moon Props
Excellent source for resin cast pins and props

Good looking Con Safe Weapons

IKV ghatlhwij Supply Depot
Banners, props very nice Wood Weapons supplies needed to apply latex klingon foreheads.

Sent from my Palm Pre

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Story: Two Halves of One Soul

I thought this was a cute story, and worth sharing. I believe that we were all family and friends before we were born, and that our friendships and relationships continue with us as we meet again. That's why there is so much drama in this world; we already have a history with everyone we meet. It would be an epic drama to know both sides of our stories and where our lives have taken us on this side of the veil...

"Let me tell you another story.

'Once, a long long time ago, all people had four legs and two heads. And then the Gods threw down thunderbolts and split everyone into two. Each half then had two legs and one head. But, the separation left both sides with a desperate yearning to be reunited. Because they each shared the same soul. And ever since then, all people spend their lives searching for the other half of their soul.' "

- Gabrielle to Iolaus as he was dying, "Xena, Warrior Princess" 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Meeting people at my age

This was written in response to a friend also musing about how different it is trying to make friends at our age...

I had many of these same problems. Where exactly am I supposed to meet people? Being LDS, I don't go to bars or hang out at bowling allies. I don't wander around the mall like a hig school kid.

I had so many friends in the Singles' Branch before I got married! But then I moved to TX, got married, and got stuck in a family ward that didn't have many young married couples in it. I did make many friends, but no one I could just hang out with or anything.

I tried going to Insitute, but it was weird since I was married and alone since my husband was working.

I have actually been quite lonely all these years. Things were okay getting to know my husband's friends, but it's just not the same.

Things did improved when we moved back to Indy, but again I feel like my closest friends out here are so much older than me. Not that there's anything wrong with that! It's just... Not the same.

When making friends while growing up during school days, you're forced to see the same people over and over, and you get to know them. Usually you can form bonds with other people over common interrests, like choir, drama, mutual dislike for the preppy kids, or just chatting about eachothers' crush.

Life slows down as we get into our late 20s and Early 30s. There's a sense that you're supposed to already be established in a nitch, and have your life figured out. And if you're not actively looking for a date, then why do you need to meet new people?

I don't watch much tv these days, but I do like to watch Grey's Anatomy when I can. Over the last few years especially, I have been envious of these really tight friendships that everyone else seems to have. . .

It's true that my best friends and I have grown up, started our own families, and been pretty buisy over the years... I miss them.

 But I also miss the rush of meeting someone new and getting to know them. The feeling is magic. And I think humans are very social creatures who need that from time to time. Me too.

*sigh* So, what are we boring not quite middle aged not quite young, kinda lonely people supposed to do to make friends? :-/

Friday, April 22, 2011

Ireland's Favorite Juice

This recipe came from a conversation this morning with Ireland. We've made it many times, except the apple and sugar additions are new. Normaly it's just the juice of one each: Lemon, Lime, Orange, Grapefruit. Enjoy!

Ireland's Favorite Juice

Apple (optional)
Sugar (optional)

Slice the citrus fruit in half, squeeze out the juice, strain out the seeds, and pour juice into a picher. Repete to desired amount, or until you run out.

Add sugar and stir

Cut apple into small slices
Put into juice one at a time (garnish).

Pour it in everyone's favorite cup.
Share with your friends.
When you're done, put the picher in the fridge.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Passion for Chocolate

"Once upon a time a prince went to battle, to defend the borders of his father's kingdom against a hostile tribe. His wife, the princess, was left to guard the kingdom's vast treasure.

"The invaders were fierce - they defeated the prince's army and advanced on the capital city. Alarmed, the princess hid the treasure. The barbarians took the city, captured the princess, and ransacked the royal keep, seeking the treasure. Not finding it, they tortured the princess. Despite her prolonged suffering, she did not reveal the treasure's hiding place.

"Enraged, the barbarians killed her. But from her blood sprouted the cacao plant, and ever since that time people have known that there is treasure hidden in it's seeds, as rich and strong as love itself, but as bitter as love torn asunder."

-- Chocolate Passion: Recipes and Inspiration from the Kitchens of Chocolatier Magazine by Tish Boyle and Timothy Moriarty

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My epiphany


I grew up feeling like I have next to nothing, and taught a healthy appreciation that nothing is expendable, hence I hord.

I grew up with bullies and abusers who taught me I was worth next to nothing, and that I am not needed/expendable, hence I have depression, low self esteem, co-dependency, eating disorders, and other issues, etc.

But, Heavenly Father teaches me that I am valuable and that my needs will be met. This is my chance to learn new healthy coping skills.

I am learning new ways to reward myself and my family:

* with things other than food. I was taught to eat/binge as a celebration, consolation, or to fix boredom. 

* by letting go of old things so we can make room for new things. I am going to try to let go of everything that is:
Doesn't fit
No sentimental value
We have 1+ in better condition
Conflicts with the spirit.

I am coping with my problems by healing myself and my family.

My addictions were about "trying to take control back and have a sense of power over something".

I have been learning about how my past affects my present. I have been honest with my friends and loved ones about my past and problems, work on making peace with it, and learning to heal.

I am choosing to find hope and put my trust in God that as I take these big steps, he will help support me and help me feel safe so I can do it.

I am choosing to let go of my hording and self-absorbed saddness in favor of my home, my health, my family, and my desire to feel the Spirit of God foremost in my home and my heart.

I am making a healthy pre-emptive strike on my "react only poor self-esteem" that makes me want to curl up in a closet and hide because I can't bare anymore pain...

I am taking my home back from the hord and teaching my family the value of clutter-free peace where we can invite the Spirit of God to heal and bless us, and we can feel safe and find peace.

I am taking my body back from my abused past and choosing that I am worth it to be loved, pampered, wear clothes that fit properly and are not tattered and worn. 

I am still young! I can choose to love myself and nurture my talents and interests! I want to take myself out on "dates" and get to know how fun I can be, and bring that new-found self appreciation and self-confidence home with me.

Oh yeah! Before all that saddness, I was funny, spontanious, clever, witty, outgoing, trusting, engaging, spunky, and ready to explore and experience all the good things available to us in this beautiful world! And there is no reason why I can't learn to allow myself to be that way now.

This is not a bad, selfish thing. Well, it's a good self nurture thing. My life has been reactive and negative for years, and that has been negative on my whole life, relationships, and family. I love my family and friends more than myself (way more...). And they are worth it for me to heal, cope healthily, and be the happiest, healthiest, most fun and cheerful me I can be.

And I know I am definantly worth it. 

I have cringed in the depressing shadows for too long. I say to the ghosts of my past and to satan to "Get thee hence!!" I will no longer allow them to torture me. 

It has been a necessary but long process; this healing and therapy thing. Some people may be able to speed through it, and good for them. But I know that I am finally ready to seriously move on, love myself and my family, make my home a healthy/happy/safe retreat, and embrace all of the blessings Heavenly Father has in store for me.

And it starts right now. Because I've waited long enough.


Thank you.

Sent from my Palm Pre

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ode to a Chopstick

Strong and supple tapered wood
Sometimes lacquered decorated
Lithesome tools for handling food
Of your import I could spend a 
Dreamlike evening in haiku
But of your valiant victuals virtue
I'll need a sonnet to honor you
Used for every meal prepared
To stir, to serve, to mix, to puncture
Even tucked inside my knife kit
Toted to culinary school with rapture
I find you, always near my pallet
Ready to serve, as if on cue
It's even better when there are TWO...